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My name is Niki and this is my story behind Profitiva and Protecta

Making a change one woman at the time.

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I have a vision... it is rooted in the belief that every woman, mother and grandmother deserves financial security and independence. I envision a world where women are not discriminated against purely for their gender, where pregnancy and motherhood aren't a sin of professional aspirations and we can simply do what we are good at without being made to feeling guilty ever again. 


I believe that we must realise that women need a tailored financial strategy to our gender specific life trajectories. Whether we as women are planning to have children or not we should be prepared for it financially because the harsh reality is that women are currently taking a huge penalty for motherhood financially. 


You can be striving professional one day with great income and the next day finding yourself struggling on £600 maternity government support the next day because you were fired for getting pregnant. All this can happen to your only two weeks before Christmas and now you and your partner are wondering how on earth are you two supposed to build a future home for your little one together on one income. 


You don't believe it? This actually what happened to me. This was my reality. 


Coming out of the financial toll that motherhood force you through is something that everyone seems to just accept even though so many women has spoken up about it already. ( Enough times that I wrote my masters dissertation on the topic)

I created Profitiva for women who need support to build their self-employment up or manage it as a response to not being able to return to work or in an urgent need to find second source of income. 

However the biggest breakthrough I am planning to achieve is with the Protecta Scheme which is addressing the future generations of women as we are in urgent need to build financial resilience due to facing gender specific penalties due to gender, motherhood, menopause and the gender pay gap which leaves us currently in disadvantage to build financial security. Protecta is the answer to finally address the inexistent support that women are truly in need for. 

With my work I aim to break down the barriers that hold mothers back, whether it's the financial strain of childcare costs, the career setbacks of maternity leave, or the lack of access to educational and entrepreneurial opportunities. I envision a comprehensive platform that offers tailored financial services, educational programs, and support networks designed specifically for women by women. By fostering a community of empowerment and resilience, my vision is to transform the narrative of womenhood, ensuring that every woman has the opportunity to thrive and create a better future for herself and her family.

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